What is lead forensics?

Lead forensics is a term that refers to the use of digital forensics techniques to gather and analyze data from leads, or potential sources of information, in a digital auditing or investigation. This may involve examining electronic devices or other digital media to extract and analyze data such as emails, website visits, campaigns used, IPs, text messages, or other types of communication that could provide leads or clues about the nature of the source. Lead forensics is often used in digital audits or analyses, corporate fraud investigations, and cybersecurity incidents, among others.

Overall, lead forensics is a key tool that is used to gather and analyze digital evidence in a variety of contexts, helping auditors to solve attribution, identify wrongdoing, and hold individuals accountable for their actions.

What’s the connection between attribution and lead forensics?

Attribution refers to the process of identifying the source or origin of an action or event. In the context of digital forensics, attribution refers to the process of identifying the individuals or organizations responsible for collecting leads or other types of digital incidents such as a GDPR-related investigation.

What’s the connection between lead forensics and GDPR?

CCPA and GDPR both have ways for users to ask to recall all the information collected for them. Very often we utilize lead forensics approaches to answer the question “why I’m getting this message”.

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