Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own, to increase the search engine rankings of that page or website.
There are two fundamental ways that search engines use links:
* To discover new web pages
* To help determine how well a page should rank in its result
That’s why link building is a fundamental process of a successful SEO strategy
That all links should be relevant and related to your goals. Just getting the bad (in terms of unrelated traffic) will be ok for your SEO team but bad for your business.
Link-building can be an effective strategy, but it should never take precedence over foundational on-site and on-page SEO efforts. A successful SEO strategy starts with a solid technical foundation, ensuring your website is crawlable, optimized for speed, and provides a seamless user experience.
Additionally, creating high-value, relevant content tailored to your audience’s needs is critical. Without these elements in place, link-building efforts are unlikely to deliver meaningful results.
Moreover, links should come from relevant sources and serve as genuine traffic drivers, not just as an attempt to boost search rankings artificially. Links that align with your content and target audience enhance credibility and direct qualified traffic to your site.
However, if your content is weak or disconnected from your audience’s needs, or if your technical SEO fundamentals are lacking, investing in link-building can be a waste of resources. Focus on building a coherent content strategy first; then, links will naturally follow as a byproduct of quality and relevance