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What are the funnel’s stages?

The stages of your funnel(s) should be defined during your growth marketing strategy. At the time that you are building your Markitecture.

What information should I capture per stage?

You need to capture the following elements for your Funnel’s stages

A name by using also any of the terminologies that will help you remember the stage such as MQL, SQL, PQL Level 1, etc

Entry Trigger, meaning when users or prospects are entering this stage on your funnel? Here are some examples:
* Scrolling to the page by 50% 
* Checking features/benefits page
* Viewed 5 or more pages
* Viewed the “Contact us” page more than two (2) times

Credentials, what do we know about this customer entering or exiting this stage. It’s anonymous users,  email-captured, etc.

TouchPoints, which are the touchpoints that are involved in this stage? Name all touchpoints that will push users to enter this stage and those touchpoints that will push users exiting this stage

Related terms (by category)

Growth Funnel

The growth funnel incorporates not just the acquisition of new customers but also emphasizes retention, engagement, and referral mechanisms to fuel sustainable growth.
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Leads Forensics

Lead forensics is a term that refers to the use of digital forensics techniques to gather and analyze data from leads, or potential sources of information, in a digital auditing or investigation.
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