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Topic: S

What is: S

All the terms you need to know about S

Share of Voice

SOV is the percentage of clicks that land on your website, compared to the total number of clicks for all tracked keywords of yours.
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Site Speed

It’s the first impression that makes a website. Site Speed is a metric that shows how quickly users are able to see and interact with content.
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Sitemap XML

Sitemaps are a protocol that allows the webmaster for a website to inform Google and other major search engines about URLS on a website that are available for crawling.
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Ski-slope Strategy

Ski-Slope Strategy is used primarily in digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) to describe a systematic approach to content creation and keyword targeting.
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Social CRM

Social Customer Relationship Management, or social CRM, refers to the methods and deployment of customer relationship management tools over social networks.
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It’s about those people where sales has confirmed it. They are interested in buying
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