Do you want to write for us?

You are in the right place!

GrowthRocks is a growth hacking agency and our blog provides growth hacking and digital marketing related content to marketers and business owners alike.

What to write about

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?
Our blog consists mainly of these categories:

  • A/B tests
  • Analytics
  • B2B Marketing
  • Branding
  • Case studies
  • Chatbots
  • Content marketing
  • eCommerce
  • Email Marketing
  • Growth Hacking
  • PPC
  • Referral Marketing
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Marketing Tools

Providing value to our audience is our top priority.
We highly appreciate long-form evergreen content.
We try to be specific, to the point, and simple – but not simplistic.

So, for example, we are not going to write about “How to Make Your Facebook Posts More Engaging” but rather “12 Ways to Increase Organic Facebook Reach in 2019.”

And instead of writing about the “Email Marketing Basics” we published “eCommerce Email Marketing: From Purchase to Referral.”

So pick up a topic accordingly and lets us know!

Guest post guidelines

  • We expect original content written in fluent English.
  • What we love seeing is long-form content (ideally 1,500-2,500 words).
  • We avoid SEO-related topics as it’s a saturated field.
  • Also, we’d like to see at least three images in the post. Any image used should be free or royalty-free with a source link under the image. Also, if there is no particular reason, no image should exceed 800px in height.
  • About the featured image (thumbnail/hero), don’t worry, that’s something we are going to make.

What to expect from us

  1. We will treat your post exactly the way we treat our own: We will use every digital property and distribution channel on our disposal for maximum reach and exposure: websites, social media, growth hacking & digital marketing communities.
  2. On-page SEO optimization.
  3. Additional proofreading.
  4. A publication in 60 days or less.
  5. We are pretty liberal with the number of outbound (do-follow) links you can add – both in the article. In the same manner, we hope you find it okay if we include a link from our blog for internal linking purposes. That said, both parties should give backlinks to other blog posts, not homepages or landing pages.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Which are the types of links we allow (Do-follow or No-follow).

All links are do-follow unless there’s a specific reason to be no-follow.

We allow 3 do-follow outbound links for the same destination. Not different doamins

Links are not tagged as ‘sponsored’, ‘UGC’, or ‘no-follow’ unless there’s a specific reason.

No, we don’t. Growthrocks is a corporate site. Adding custom sponsored posts would damage our credibility and User Experience, so we don’t support that in GrowthRocks. We have other sites of the type “publishers,” where we do support these additions.

Digital marketing/ SaaS/ startups.

For the full list of topics check further up

No, we don’t. It’s off topic for our reader’s interests. 
Exceptionally, we can accept Crypto, Forex, Essay-writing, and Relationships niches if they align with our guidelines and quality standards.

1-2 weeks

Yes. It will be permanent

We accept, paypal, stripe and wire transfers

We are not a news site. We publish evergreen content and update it regularly so that our readers are always updated.

No, you cannon, and you will be immediately blocked and reported. We use WhatsApp for other business purposes and not guest blogging. 

The only way to submit a guest blog/link insertion request is via the form below or by emailing: [email protected]

Start writing for us!

Just fill in the form below.
We’d love to hear from you! ❤️