What is a viral loop?

A sticky product (a product that has a great usage cohort) is not synonym to a viral-product.

A sticky product is one that becomes part of people’s daily routine and is super-simple to onboard new users into – no matter how they find your product.

A viral product is a product allowing existing users to bring more users. It could be part of the product-core (i.e. in a messenger, inviting your friends to also use the messenger, or sharing a message out-of-the user’s network) or part of the product-ecosystem (i.e. refer a friend and reward schemes are the tinder for the fire of virality, as they make it easy to turn your customers into advocates.)

Enabling growth and creating virality comes down to ease and impact.

Enable your product to expand and allow your customers to invite their colleagues and peers to refer. Create exponential growth that is outside of your control – it’s not as scary as it sounds!

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