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What is GAI

ChatGPT and similar tools like Bard, Anthropic’s Claude, and Bing Chat utilize generative AI (GAI) technology to quickly produce coherent language in various styles, formats, and tones. GAI technology leverages large language models (LLMs) trained on huge datasets to generate human-like text, making it useful for content creation, communication, and creative writing tasks. GAI-powered chatbots can produce comprehensive, cohesive essays, catchy social media blurbs, or detailed outlines in seconds.

What are the sources of Chatgpt and other GAI bots?

OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT, has not publicly disclosed the specifics of the individual datasets used, however, it’s known that the model was trained on a diverse range of text sources, which includes a broad spectrum of publicly available information on the internet.
On May 16, Reddit announced a partnership with OpenAI to provide its content to the widely-used chatbot, ChatGPT. This news led to a 12% increase in Reddit’s shares during extended trading. The collaboration highlights Reddit’s strategy to expand beyond its advertising revenue, coming on the heels of a recent partnership with Google to make its content available for training Google’s AI models or Google’s SERPs. Similarly, ChatGPT has also teamed up with LinkedIn Pulse and Quora, integrating their articles into its training dataset.

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