SEO Packages

Growth Hackers

As word-class Growth Hackers, we are a team of innovators trusted by the world’s most popular startups and brands

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Our broad experience in various verticals and industries is matched with our passion for our customers’ success.

We rank #1 on Google

For the SEO topic whom would you trust if not the one ranked #1 for their main keyword? The proof is here!

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Hustle removed

11 SEO packages to choose from, according to your SEO needs. Or choose a tailor-made SEO package!

A New Site is coming

Ideal when you are launching a brand new website and you want traffic from day 1

It includes:
KW Research (Batches of 4)
OnPage Guidelines for Devs and Content Creators
OnSite Guidelines for Devs and Content Creators
SEO HealthCheck Before Going Live
3 SEO HealthChecks After Going Live

You migrate to a New Site

When you are changing your website and already have organic traffic. Improper SEO migration can bring your organic traffic to square 1, back from scratch!

It includes:
OLD Site Mapping
KW Research
OnPage Guidelines (Devs+Content)
OnSite Guidelines (Devs+Content)
NEW Site Mapping when site is Ready
Setup Redirect Rules and Communicated with Devs
SEO HealthCheck Before Going Live
3 SEO HealthChecks After Going Live

Looking for Product / Market Fit

You are launching a new product and are in need of some targeted organic traffic for testing or to demonstrate to your potential investors that your site gets organic traffic.

It includes:
KW Research for your Site
KW Research for Content Marketing
OnPage Guidelines + Manual Inspections
OnSite Guidelines + Manual Inspections
Outreach & Exposure Deals (Sponsored)

You run a local business

Any local business is in need of this package. If you don’t exist locally on google how can you expect your clients to find you?

It includes:
KW Research
OnPage Guidelines + Manual Inspections
OnSite Guidelines + Manual Inspections
Business Directories Submission
Local Publishers Outreach (Sponsored)

Your brand doesn't Rank

Still not ranking for your brand terms? In need of capturing more search real estate for your brand name? No problem.

It includes:
KW Research (Brand Variations and Long Tails)
Assesment of Rankability
OnPage Guidelines + Manual Inspections
OnSite Guidelines + Manual Inspections
Sponsored Deals to maximize Brand Mentions

You just need a SEO Heath Check

Just like with your health your site needs some checkups every now and then to make sure it is inline with the latest best practices and ranking algorithms.

It includes:
OnSite Guidelines
OnPage Guidelines
Site Wide Bot Inspection
Manual Inspection of Selected Pages

A New Site is coming

Ideal when you know your competitors and want to get insights and uncover their SEO strategies (or the lack of them), their weaknesses (to exploit) or strengths (to avoid)

It includes:
Brands Comparison
Keywords they are ranking organically
Keywords they run ads (AdWords)
Where do they promote?
Types of Promotions they perform

Get Prepared for Content Marketing

Ready to start creating content that rocks? SEO goes hand in hand with content, so bring it aligned, or even better structure your content topics around organic, searchable terms that you can rank for.

It includes:
KW Research for Content Marketing (12)
KW Research
Blog Post Optimization Guide
Guest Post Optimization Guide

I need Authority

Off-Site SEO & Authority Building is needed when your site requires more online authority in order to rank No 1.

It includes:
Outreach Activities
Sponsored Articles Operations Handling

SEO Insights and Reports

A real time monitoring dashboard to make sure your site is in good shape at any moment. Easy to spot errors and mistakes. You can also track your rankings & Links from here.

It includes:
Daily Updated On/Off Site SEO Monitor
All Important Metrics Are Tracked Here
Rankings for selected keywords
Brand Mentions
New Links

Stick to the Top & Keep on Rising

This is a bundle of many SEO packages from this list. After achieving or performing the original campaign, you must secure your ranking positions. With this bundle, most clients see a slow growth on other keywords. It is ideal for organic traffic maintenance.

It includes:
SEO Dashboard (rankings only)
Low Tempo Off Site & Authority Building
(Op) Bi-Yearly Competitive SEO Landscape (For your Top-3 Competitors)
(Op) Bi-Yearly SEO HealthCheck
(Op) One Article per month

None of the above

None of these SEO packages suit your needs? You need a custom SEO approach.
We’ve got you covered!



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